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 Skin Element Positioning

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Skin SDK: Skin Element Position & Size

Every skin element needs to have X, Y attributes to define the position of the top-left point of the element's boundaries on the screen. The values are in pixels starting from the top-left corner of the screen (0,0).
If no position is defined, the skin element will be positioned at 0,0. The x, y position values can be defined either in a <pos> nested node or directly as a attribute in <element> node.

In addition, every skin element needs to have a size (Width & Height) in pixels. If size is not defined or defined as 0, the skin element will not be displayed. The width, height values of size can be defined in a <size> nested child or in a <pos> nested child or directly as an attribute in <element> node.

The following 3 codes will display the same 120x50 button at the same 100,200 position.

<button action="play_pause">
<pos x="100" y="200"/>
<size width="120" height="50"/>
<off color="green"/>

<button action="play_pause">
<pos x="100" y="200" width="120" height="50"/>
<off color="green"/>

<button action="play_pause" x="100" y="200" width="120" height="50">
<off color="green"/>

Relative Position

You can position an element relatively to its parent container (group, panel), by adding a + or - in front of the x, y values.
In the following example the Play button will be positioned at (80+100) , (200+30) and the Loop button will be positioned at (80+150), (110).

<group x="80" y="200">
<button action="play_pause">
<pos x="+100" y="+30"/>
<size width="120" height="50"/>
<off color="green"/>
<button action="loop">
<pos x="+150" y="110"/>
<size width="60" height="50"/>
<off color="green"/>

In the previous example, if the <group> had a relative position (e.g. x="+10") the Skin Engine would look up to its parent container (could be another group) and if not found, then it would simply start adding the relative positions from 0 (start of skin).

Relative positions are recommended and very useful when creating a skin, as entire groups of elements can be easily re-positioned with a simple edit to the x,y position values of the parent container.

Simple Math calculations

Simple Math operators (+, -, *, /) can be used in both Position and Size. The operations will be executed from left to right without any priorities.

In the following example, the Play button (W:120, H:50) will be positioned at x (100-10=90), y(30+30=60), and the Loop button (W: 2*10+40=60 , H:40-10=30) will be positioned at x(100/2-10+5+60=105), y(30*2+10=70).

<button action="play_pause">
<pos x="100-10" y="30+30"/>
<size width="120" height="50"/>
<off color="green"/>
<button action="loop">
<pos x="100/2-10+5+60" y="30*2+10"/>
<size width="2*10+40" height="40-10"/>
<off color="green"/>

Note that a X position defined as x="100/2+10" is equal to 60 but x="10+100/2" is equal to 55 as the addition of 10+100 is executed before the division.

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